Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pick of the Week Challenge: week 2 of 2011

China Fibre Tech
Buy in: $0.085
Target price: $0.100

Reason: Almost all textile counters had rallied. There are a few laggers. China FT is one of them as their last q earning is still disappointing. Good and bad. Good because this give us opportunity to punt on it as it can be a late bloomer. Bad is, if earning still not recover, it might stuck for awhile more. However, one thing to note is they are net cash 0.14. This should provide some comfort to those who hang on to them.

However looking into fundamental is not going to that successful in a weekly challenge. One of my reasons for this week pick is also because of their increasing volume and awareness on friday. A break through may come as a surprise too. Goldenfarmers beware.. LOL..

Fx hunter
My pick is Pan Hong

Buy in: $0.5
Target Price: $0.52 

-High traded volumn on last friday proving investors are interested in the stock.
-ADX indicates a continuing uptrend signal.
-MACD rebounded upward.

Sheng L


Buy in: $0.395
Target Price: $0.415(Buy)

Reason: With a P/E ratio of 12X for FY2011, Global Palm Resources (GPR) small size and domestic consumption-driven nature makes it less likely to be hampered by environmental groups in terms of growing its cultivated plantations.  Furthermore, GPR is also looking into East Kalimantan, Indonesia for palm oil cultivation which would have the potential to beef up its production capacity as well as its plantation land bank.

Counter: C&O Pharm
Buy in: $0.49
TP: 0.51

Bollinger constricting, showing sign of breakout, could go either way tho. 

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